Monday, January 16, 2012

 The Free Will

I believe free will is nothing more than a fabrication of the human condition. It is an illusion that we accept because we cannot observe all the process that are involved in making a "choice". I believe in science. So far, all proven theories, (that is theories that can tie actions we have witnessed to there fundamental properties) point to the realisation that all actions in the universe can be broken down to basic laws and actions. I'm not implying that we understand all of these basic laws, but it seems logical to me, that all things are composed of numerous complex reactions (from what has been observed).

Therefore we can infer that all human actions are our primal actions (genes) interpreting and acting our surroundings. Now, this may seem unlikely or even absurd, but the only reason we perceive it that way, is due to our lack of understanding in the numerous process present within the action of human thought. The actions we react to themselves are determined by rules, so it can be inferred that the interpretation of these actions can only occur in one way, the way they occur, and so it would appear as if we all are tied by this predetermined "fate" of action reaction.

In conclusion, human error does not exist we only act in the way we do, and that is the only way we can act.


  1. Hm true story bro... can agree with you also here.

  2. i don't know if he necessarily have a predetermined fate, but in the scope of the universe we are entirely inconsequential

  3. V for Vendetta :D Yeah and this is true what u wrote ;] following !

  4. Hmm.. Not too sure about that. I like how much throught you put into your posts!

  5. Very profound, and I find it to be very true.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Does that mean I cant get punished for the things I do because they were inevitable thanks to me, being a human.
      Vise versa:
      random acts of people proof that we are a totally dumb animal which has no reason to do anything and dont have to take responsibility for our actions.

      I think that we are to lazy to realise that if we want to, we could do, so we just sue each other ^^

  7. A rather bleak view there, but fascinating nevertheless. I don't think I quite understand what you mean exactly by "the rules" (physical laws? space-time-consciousness relativity?) though.

  8. I loved the last line...very cool!

  9. Very interesting. Also, loved the movie V for Vendetta. Thanks for sharing with us.

  10. Those are some very interesting thoughts!

  11. God determines our path before we are even born. All the error, pain and strife in the world is caused by those who blatantly rebel against the Lord's chosen path.

  12. Never thought of it that way. Nice blog.
